Where does the website’s title come from? It is a reference to a frequent response by my partner whenever I put a Robert Conrad film on. It should be read as “another Robert Conrad film?!!”

Are there any films or television shows you won’t review? Anything that is watchable, we will try and review. There are some films and television episodes that are tricky to find. For example, Confessions of a Married Man (1983).

Is this website making fun of Robert Conrad? Certainly not. While Robert Conrad was never in an Oscar-worthy film, his career is compelling and unique. Even when we criticise something he is in, we are doing it as fans.

Can I contribute to the website? Of course. Please feel free to get in contact via the contribution page.

What is Robert Conrad’s best film? We’ll have to see once this website is finished.

How often do you post? This will vary, as this website is a hobby – not a job.

Are you on social media? Currently, the Another Robert Conrad Film is only on Instagram. The account is new, like the website, so it may take some time linking everything up. If this changes, the link will be added to the website.

What inspired this project? Firstly, the career of Robert Conrad. Secondly, the podcast Eric Roberts is the Fucking Man.

I’ve found an error/typo on the website, what should I do? Contact us via the contribution page.

Why are some of the images so poor when others are not? All the images are from the best available print for UK-based users. Sadly, because most of his films were tv-made, many images will be VHS-quality. If you know of a better version, please let us know.

Why do you only use screenshot images? Using Google-found images opens you up to copyright ‘trolls.’

Do you own any of the films? No, these screenshots are for academic and fun purposes only.

Are you related or connected to the Conrad family? No, this website has no connection to the Conrad family. This is not an official Robert Conrad website, but instead a fan ‘journal.’

Who are you? Short answer, a PhD student in Media Arts with a focus on American culture. UK based.

On one of the reviews, the rubric total is incorrect. While we try and double check that the rubric is correct, please do flag if you notice the maths is wrong.

There is a technical issue with the website, who should I contact. Please flag this, we (or more, me) are not computer scientists. So errors may occur.